Chapter 69: “Wasat”
Castor turned over,
as he drifted through the void
while holding the wolf.
The Pegasus felt the bite
of a fly piercing his skin!
Archer raised her bow,
shooting a blazing arrow
like a guiding flare.
Castor saw how far Argo
had sailed into the distance.
Archer’s flare burned bright,
but Castor’s wind would not come
when he called for it.
Then, a dove flew near Castor
and a great breeze brought him home.
When Castor returned
to Argo’s deck, the crew saw
the dove on the bow.
The wolf slept in Castor’s arms,
tired out from the great chase.
Polly saw the dove
carrying the triangle,
and she retrieved it.
“Thank you for helping Castor,”
she said. Then the dove flew off.
Chiron asked Virgo,
“Why do our foes want these tools?”
Virgo answered him,
“Ophiuchus has one goal;
reshaping the universe.”
To be continued!
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