Chapter 45: “Arietis”

Constellation Triangulum above Mercury and Venus, obtained with SkyView.

When it became clear
that the king's council refused
to heed the princess,

Cepheus dismissed his peers
and walked with Andromeda.

Every evening's end 
the king would visit his wife
in her holding cell.

Cassiopeia's prison
included her vanity.

"What a reunion,"
the queen said, "did you miss me?"
Then she saw the gold.

Andromeda questioned her,
"Why did Boötes sell this?"

"That gold triangle
would have made great jewelry,
but Boötes scoffed,"

Cassiopeia went on,
"he wouldn't let me melt it."

"This doesn't add up,"
Cepheus said, "Boötes
sold it knowing its value?"

"Maybe you two should ask him,"
the queen said, "he's been lonely."

Andromeda said,
"This is getting us nowhere.
Thanks for nothing, mom."

"We should do this again soon,"
the queen said, "bring gifts next time!"

The king did not wish
to speak long with Boötes.
They found his dungeon.

"Look who came to visit me,"
the herdsman spoke through steel bars.

"You strained this country,"
Andromeda said to him,
"and hurt my father."

"Why waste your time here?" he asked,
"Has something made you desperate?"

Cepheus held up
the triangle made of gold.
"Why did you sell this?"

"Some tools," Boötes answered,
are not meant for mortal hands."

The king fell silent.
"Let us go," the princess said,
"leave Boötes be."

It was a clear night outside.
Andromeda saw the stars.

The king raised his head,
spotting Polaris with ease.
He asked, "Will you play a tune?"

"You don't even need to ask,"
Andromeda answered him.

"Fire of the ram,
guide us to the dawn," she sang,
"fire of the ram."

As the final note rang out
the gold triangle melted.

To be continued!


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